Our Features

With proer you can

Gain 15-25% more Profits

Proer%20 %20Employee%20Productivity%20Monitor

Minimize Idle Time

Proer continuously tracks what the employee is doing and auto alerts the employees on going idle.

Proer%20 %20Employee%20Productivity%20Monitor

Stop Employee Overwork & Underwork

Automatically calculate and mark half days, full days and absentee for your employees.

Proer%20 %20Employee%20Productivity%20Monitor

Manage Employee Tools & Resources

Automatically calculate and mark half days, full days and absentee for your employees.

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With proer you can

Achieve Employee Productivity upto

2023’s best productivity tracking & employee monitoring tool.

  • Boost team’s productivity by 80-90%
  • Improve employee attendance by 25%
  • Boost team’s productivity by 80-90%
  • Improve employee attendance by 25%

Advanced features

Proer Gives You The Flexibility Or Freedom To


Continuously monitor user productivity and idle time - auto alert employees on remaining idle.


Customize monitoring as per your company requirement - control screenshot frequency & idle time alert clause

User Timeline

Every second employee activity monitoring - view detailed user timeline from login to logout

Idle Time Logs

Proer continuously tracks what the employee is doing and auto alerts the employees on going idle.

Achieve 90% Goals and Targets with Ease

Proer%20 %20Employee%20Productivity%20Monitor

Improve Productivity

By Employee Tracking

Continuously monitor user productivity and idle time - auto alert employees on remaining idle

Customize monitoring as per your company requirement - control screenshot frequency & idle time alert clause.

Every second employee activity monitoring - view detailed user timeline from login to logout

Know what employees are working on at any given time - view timely screenshots of user screen

Gain 15-25% more Profits Monthly

Best in class features that make life easy.

Proer continuously tracks what the employee is doing and auto alerts the employees on going idle. Proer continuously tracks what the
employee is doing and auto alerts the employees on going idle.

Innovative Team

Outlived no dwelling denoting in peculiar as he believed. Behaviour excellent middleton be as it curiosity departure ourselves very extreme future.

Proer%20 %20Employee%20Productivity%20Monitor

Ahem Natasha

Operations officer
Proer%20 %20Employee%20Productivity%20Monitor

Devid mark

Graphic designer
Proer%20 %20Employee%20Productivity%20Monitor

Brave Hammam

Web developer

Our Packages

Latest News

Outlived no dwelling denoting in peculiar as he believed. Behaviour excellent middleton be as it curiosity departure ourselves very extreme future.

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